
Definitely not a dessert, but 100% tasty

Our range of A&I puddings will complete your Highland breakfast plate or add a finishing touch to your dinner plate.

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Great chieftain o the puddin’-race

An intro to our Puddings

Our traditional pudding recipes are exclusive to A&I and are some of our most popular products – for good reason!  From black, white and red pudding, to fruit pudding and the traditional haggis, we have the complete range for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

High in protein, zinc and iron, black pudding is a great starter to your day (in moderation, of course…) and can be served with a delicious fried breakfast, or as a starter to an evening meal – why not try with some goats cheese and chutney?  Meanwhile our A&I haggis pudding is worth trying all year round as well as to celebrate Burns Night.

Our puddings are a perfect accompaniment to our range of meats, and our friendly staff are happy to help advise if you are wondering which pudding to choose.

Established in 1997, A&I Quality Butchers are proud to serve the Highlands with the best of the Highlands.

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